Scoping Study including KAP survey for Designing Safe Markets for Women
Project Title: Scoping Study including KAP survey for Designing Safe Markets for Women | |
Client Name: UN Women | |
Project Description: In June 2016, UN Women partnered with the Afghan Australian Research and Management Consulting (ARM Consulting) to conduct a scoping study in Afghanistan in support of the Safe Markets for Women and Girls in Afghanistan initiative. The study aims to inform the design of a country-level joint program in Afghanistan which will form part of the UN Women Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global Flagship Programme Initiative (FPI), spanning over 20 countries1. The study identifies the key challenges and available resources to establish safe markets for women in Afghanistan and provides recommendations as to where the first three urban, semi-urban, and rural safe market pilots of the joint program should be conducted and how this should be achieved.
The study covers 10 provinces—Kabul, Parwan, Nangarhar, Bamyan, Daikundi, Baghlan, Samangan, Takhar, Jawzjan and Herat 2. The research methodology is based on a participatory process including all stakeholders and partners who could potentially play a role in creating safe markets with and for women and girls. A survey questionnaire was conducted with 2,022 individuals (63 percent women, 37 percent men), supplemented by an extensive desk review, 60 KIIs (six per province), 20 FGDs (two per province), web-based semi-structured interviews and direct observations of market places. The majority of respondents were young afghan women (63%) and men (37%) between 18-34 years, residing in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas of the ten provinces. Following analysis of the results, five one-day validation workshops were held with key stakeholders to ensure all the views and feedback of the relevant actors were fully considered and integrated into the final report 3. |
Project Duration: 4 months | Project Location: Kabul, Herat, Nangarhar,
Daikundai, Bamyan, Parwan, Baghlan, Takhar, |
Project Start Date: June 2016 | Project End Date: September 2016 |